Here you can check your IESCO Bill Duplicate online at any time free of charge. IESCO bill can also be printed online, downloaded, or even paid online. Check your Electricity bill by entering the 14-digits reference number below:
IESCO Duplicate Bill Online
The Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) is responsible for the distribution, sale, and supply of electricity in areas from Jhelum to Attock. In addition, areas in Kashmir from the Neelum River to the Indus River also fall under the ISCO mandate. Currently, 2.8 million people use its services. In return, consumers will have to pay their electricity or WAPDA bills to IESCO every month. You can get a Duplicate IESCO bill if not received, lost, or torn, etc to avoid a late payment surcharge.
Duplicate IESCO Bill Check Online
IESCO electricity bills come down to your doorstep every month. Before that, you will have to drive to the desired location of the main office or customer service center and stand in line for hours to access a physical copy of your electricity bills, if you lose it, it will not work. Find it for any reason or want to check your bill status.
Although most of the consumers are from Islamabad and Rawalpindi, it is relatively easy for them to get to the head office or customer service centers and get their duplicate bills of IESCO. For consumers from Jehlum to Attock, however, the process has been difficult.
Recent advances in technology have solved this problem by allowing ISCO duplicate bills, both new and past, to be scanned online anytime, anywhere to save people queuing up the dreaded hours of waiting. Users can now check the message board, registration history, and online bill status along with their billing information.
How to check your IESCO bill online?
reference number:
Our website provides a practical, simple, and fast way to help you access your IESCO bill online for free. IESCO bill can only be checked online using the reference number. As the account number, the reference number is an important identifier for your bill. It is a long 14-digit number that enables you to make online copies of all your invoices.
Please note that the online billing system WAPDA updates the reference number occasionally. For a successful transaction, you will need the last month’s bill and the latest reference number. You can find your reference number on the third line in the far-right column of your bill.

To check your online IESCO Bill, follow these steps:
- Insert the reference number in the above text box.
- Press the button “Check IESCO Electricity Bill” button.
- A brief description of your bill will be displayed, such as Your name & address, the amount payable and due date.
- To get the duplicate copy click on “View Complete Bill”.
- Here you can download, print, or save your IESCO duplicate bill.
Printing and Downloading IESCO Bill
Not only can you check your bill online, but you can also download or print them directly. To download or print it, follow these steps:
Print IESCO bill online:
Perform the above process to check online duplicate IESCO bills. Now click the Print button or press Ctrl + P to open the print options. Now choose your paper size. Load the specified paper in the printer. Get your IESCO bill
Download ISCO invoices online:
To download it, click the download button.
The Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has defined a number of responsibilities and roles for IESCO. ISCO’s SOPS is simple and relatively easy to use to provide the best possible delivery to its customers. These methods include easy bill payment, new online connectivity and carrier options, online IESCO bill download and print, rate guide, customer service, IESCO bill calculator, and more.
ISCO Financial Reporting and Complaints Center
In addition, a year ago, Iesco Management launched a mobile app to effectively manage power outages and ensure uninterrupted power supply to its customers. You can visit their official website for more information and the latest news on IESCO. In Islamabad, the IESCO Computer Center has developed a website for the IESCO Online MIS, which is also operated by the Computer Center. You must first enter your username and password to log in. You can go to the site using this link.
IESCO Tariff Directory
The Islamabad Power Supply Company (IESCO) tariffs are essentially a tax or duty that you have to pay for the electricity supplied to you by IESCO. IESCO’s official website provides a user-friendly tariff guide with clearly defined tariffs / kW / m, applicable variable tariffs / kW (peak and off-peak hours) and applicable variable offset WE F Rs. 01-01-2019 / kW (peak and off-peak hours ). – peak hours) Peak hours) and uniform quarterly and second adjustment F-01-07-2019 A-1 General supply tariff for different tariff categories Rs / kg There is a power tariff guide that also provides residents with electricity as commercial, industrial and public lighting. Fare guides will tell you the latest prices for ISCO units. You can see our complete pricing guide here.
IESCO Internal Audit
Internal audit of any organization ensures the efficient and effective functioning of the management, risk management, and control processes. It examines the accounting process and internal controls of the organization. Moreover, it ensures that all businesses and services comply with laws, rules, and regulations.
IESCO has a full audit committee that will provide effective assurances that the oversight process and the delivery of its services are effective. IESCO’s website provides access to its internal audit committee. The positions, names and phone numbers of members of the ISCO Audit Department are listed here.
ISCO Contact Information
IESCO headquarters address:
Sector G 7/4 Islamabad, Pakistan.
The phone numbers for the complaints center and the IESCO hotline are different.
051-9252937, 051-9252938, 051-9252939, Fax 051-2252927
Deputy Director (Operations) Address:
17th Street, Warshak Road, near Sui Gas Chowk, Sector I 9 Mirzaz, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Assistant Manager (Operations) Address:
Khan Market, 50th Street, G10 / 3, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Areas Of IESCO Islamabad
The following areas are included in IESCO Islamabad:
Circles and Divisions in IESCO:
Islamabad Circle
– Islamabad Division 1
– Islamabad Division 2
– Barakahu Division
Rawalpindi Circle
– Rawat Division
– City Division
– Cantt Division (Rawalpindi)
– Satellite Town Division
– Westridge Division
– Tariqabad Division
Attock Circle
– Taxila Division
– Pindigheb Division
– Attock Division
Jhelum Circle
– Jhelum Division 1
– Jhelum Division 2
– Gujar Khan Division
Chakwal Circle
– Chakwal Division
– Talagang Division
– Dhudial Division
– Pind Dadan Khan Division
How to Reduce Your Electricity Bill
Inflation is increasing day by day, and it becomes more difficult for the average person to meet the needs of his family. Therefore, it is imperative that we adopt a lifestyle that makes our life comfortable. Electricity is a basic necessity in life, but its high cost has made the lives of ordinary people miserable.
The Pakistani government has taken large loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to pay off its debts. In turn, the International Monetary Fund is demanding from the Pakistani government to raise electricity prices. Therefore, to keep inflation down and our bills down, we need to use our electricity wisely.
Here are some easy ways to lower your energy bills of electricity companies like IESCO, GEPCO, FESCO, MEPCO, PESCO.
Use good quality electrical wires
The main reason for high electricity bills for both residential and commercial use is low power lines. Due to the poor quality of these wires, electrical appliances consume more electricity than they actually do. As a result, consumers receive more and more bills.
Unplug all electrical appliances when not in use
Generally speaking, we think that if a device is plugged into an outlet but not working, it is not consuming electricity. However, no, most electrical devices use very little power in this mode. The habit of plugging in electrical appliances protects your devices from unexpected power surges that could damage them.
Casual wear
The most effective way to lower your energy bills without any effort is to dress according to the current temperature.
Check all electrical appliances before bed
Use the least amount of electricity during peak hours
Follow the description of the opening hours in different months of the year. Do not use DC household appliances during these peak hours as the electricity tariff increases from Rs 11 per unit to Rs 22 per unit. WAPDA tariff for electricity during peak hours.
Be careful in the last week of the month.
The air conditioner filters are replaced monthly
Airborne dust is a common problem in large cities, worsening weather conditions and clogging up flight routes. The air conditioner filter barrier uses more energy than usual. Therefore, filter a clean air conditioner to lower your energy bill.
Punishment for stealing energy from WAPDA
Stealing electricity is a crime and is punishable by one crore (100,000,000) or both in prison for three to seven years or a fine of Rs. Details are shown in the image below.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I check my IESCO bill online?
In this article, we have clearly mentioned the steps you need to follow to check your IESCO online bill. Enter the reference number above to check your bill online.
How can I access current unit prices?
In the article in the section “IESCO Tariff Guide,” you will find a link where you can access all current tariffs for your connection type.
Is Attock under IESCO jurisdiction?
Yes, the entire region from Attock to Jehlum is under the jurisdiction of IESCO.
Where is the IESCO headquarters?
In the IESCO Information section, you will find all the information on how to contact IESCO. The information includes all addresses, telephone, and fax numbers.