SSGC Rates & Tarrif

The latest applicable slab wise rates per MMBTU and rates per SCM along with estimated bill on different slabs are as follow:

Slabs Rs./MMBTU Est. Rate / SCM Est. Bill Amount
Minimum Gas Charges 172.58  Fixed at  Rs. 230 per month
1st Slab upto 50 CMs 121.00 4.25  from Rs.230 to Rs.270 per month
2nd Slab upto 100 CMs 300.00 10.54  from Rs.280 to Rs.890 per month
3rd Slab upto 200 CMs 553.00 19.43  from Rs.1,280 to Rs.3,530 per month
4th Slab upto 300 CMs 738.00 25.93  from Rs.4,600 to Rs.7,600 per month
5th Slab upto 400 CMs 1,107.00 38.90  from Rs.9,170 to Rs.13,680 per month
6th Slab above 400 CMs 1,460.00 51.30  starting from Rs.18,290 per month

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*  SCM worked out on GCV 990 (BTU/SCF)

* As per OGRA notified tariff, the customer will get the benefit of the preceding one slab only.

* If the consumption during any billing month is less than a specified volume, the customer is billed on minimum charges. The minimum charges for each category of customers are also notified by OGRA.

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